A stamp is held up to the camera with a pair of tweezers. In the background, many more stamps are lying on a table.
Donations in kind, volunteering, blood donations

More ways to help

You can help people at Bethel with more than just monetary donations. You can support Bethel's charitable work with donations in kind. Bethel also offers opportunities to get involved as a volunteer.

The building of the Bethel Brocken Collection

Donations in kind

Clothing and other donations in kind are processed in the Bethel collection centre and either used in the foundation's operations or sold on. The proceeds benefit Bethel's charitable work.
Donations in kind
A woman and a man help a person in a wheelchair into a van.

Voluntary help

Volunteering is all about shared experiences and mutual enrichment. At Bethel, there are numerous opportunities to volunteer and donate your time.
Voluntary help
A nurse takes blood from a young woman.

Blood donation

Donating blood is one of the good deeds you can do quickly. It's uncomplicated and even good for your body. What's more, blood saves lives.
Blood donation