Your community for Bethel

Helping as a church community

Realising community: Every person is a creature loved by God and has a right to participate in life in the centre of our society.

How to support Bethel with your community

For many years, church communities throughout Germany have supported us with collections and all types of donations in kind. We have experienced many heart-warming fundraising campaigns and built strong relationships with each other. You too can take part with your parish!

Collection campaign for donations in kind

Donations in kind are also always welcome.

For example, order a stamp box and place it in the parish hall. As soon as it is full, send it to our Stamp Centre and give people with disabilities a meaningful job.

The Bethel Brockensammlung is always happy to receive donations of clothing, which can be collected and donated on behalf of the church community.

Visits to Bethel

If your church community is interested in our work, we would be delighted to welcome you to Bethel for a visit. Find out more about our facilities and the people at Bethel. To arrange an appointment, please contact the PR Information department at 0521 144-3599.

Contact person for your parish

Donation account

v. Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel

Sparkasse Bielefeld
DE48 4805 0161 0000 0040 77

Donate online now