Place of remembrance
Give thanks and remember
We would like to thank Bethel's friends and supporters, and not forget people like them. That is why we have created a special place where we remember them – even beyond death. This place of remembrance is deliberately located in the centre of life. We have created a spiritual area in the foyer of the "Dankort" building, our central public relations centre, where people meet every day. The names and biographical data of deceased patrons are displayed on a screen embedded in celestial motifs on a glass background. A church bench and other seating invite you to pause for a moment. The eye is drawn to a book of remembrance in which the names and dates of death of Bethel's loyal friends and supporters are listed.
"The most beautiful memorial a person can have is in the hearts of their fellow human beings." This is especially true for people who are committed to helping others. They get involved and assume social responsibility. Their appreciation for our work and the people in Bethel touches us deeply. What they achieve through their donations gives people in Bethel hope and gives them a better life. And what has already been created at Bethel thanks to bequests from friends and sponsors is always tangible.
Bethel has a long tradition of thanking committed people in particular. Without all their help and support, Bethel would never have been able to develop into what it is today. This "Dankort", where the place of remembrance is located, was established in 1903. Even back then, its employees were supposed to inspire enthusiasm for the concept behind Bethel and share it around the world. We are still committed to this mission today.
v. Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel
Donations and Bequests Department - Dankort - P.O. Box 13 02 60 - 33545 Bielefeld