Frida und Leon liegen aneinander gekuschelt in ihrem Bett.

Close to people | Stories from Bethel

Cuddling is also important when wired

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Topics | Hospital, Bielefeld

Felix Willi wraps everyone around his finger

Felix Willi wraps everyone around his finger

Topics | Assistance for the homeless, Bielefeld

Trust, mediation, change

Trust, mediation, change
Senada Joldic steht vor einem Hauseingang. Im Hintergrund ist eine Treppe und an der Wand hängt ein Fahrrad.

Topics | Working at Bethel, Berlin

Every change has made her stronger

Every change has made her stronger

Topics | Disability assistance, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

Like winning the lottery

Like winning the lottery
Stefanie Feldmann steht auf einem Balkon.

Topics | Working at Bethel, Bielefeld

"I am and will remain a Bethel child"

"I am and will remain a Bethel child"

Topics | Hospice, Leipzig

How volunteering makes her happy

How volunteering makes her happy

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With your donation, you support Bethel's many tasks in favour of sick and disabled people.

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Facts & Figures

  • Around 24,000 employees

  • Around 300 locations

  • represented in 8 federal state

You can find offers from the v. Bodelschwinghschen Stiftungen Bethel in:

  • Berlin
  • Brandenburg
  • Bremen
  • Lower Saxony
  • North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Saxony
  • Saxony-Anhalt

Are you looking for help?

Are you or a relative dependent on help or support and looking for assistance? Bethel's programmes and services offer professional expertise in many areas. So that everyone receives the help they need.

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Under "News" you will find news, press releases and images from Bethel for your use. For press enquiries, please contact the Press + Communications department directly.

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