Balance sheet for the past year

Bethels Vorstandsvorsitzender Pastor Ulrich Pohl (rechts) und Dr. Rainer Norden, stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender, präsentieren den Jahresbericht 2022/23.

Bethel closes with a positive result

By joining forces, the employees of the v. Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel mastered the challenging year 2022 together. This was emphasised today by Bethel's CEO Pastor Ulrich Pohl and Dr Rainer Norden, Deputy CEO and CFO, at the presentation of the 2022/23 annual report. Overall, the annual result for the 2022 financial year was positive at €5.77 million. The money will be fully reinvested in Bethel's work.

"Bethel is being challenged by a host of external factors: the pandemic, the consequences of the climate and flood disasters, the war in Ukraine and the associated energy crisis and inflation, and the noticeable increase in social division," says Pastor Ulrich Pohl. The old motto of Friedrich von Bodelschwingh, "... and that you turn no one away from me", rings louder rather than quieter through Bethel these days. "Because when, if not now, are we called upon to stand by people in need, to support them in their old age, in their lives with illness or disability," says Bethel's CEO.

The number of full-time and part-time Bethel employees rose by 11.1 per cent in 2022 compared to the previous year, from 21,238 to 23,595 people (including 1,792 from Eben-Ezer). As a reliable employer, Bethel is active in eight federal states in Germany at more than 300 locations. Every year, around 70 per cent of Bethel's financial resources are used for personnel costs – that is, around €97.5 million per month.

"We see our employees working with tremendous energy and impressive commitment for the well-being and protection of the people entrusted to them. We also see people who wholeheartedly support our work in a volunteer capacity. Bethel would be inconceivable without volunteers. We would like to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all those who are involved," says Pastor Pohl.

Der Neubau des Kinderzentrums ist abgeschlossen – es ist das größte Spendenprojekt in der Geschichte Bethels.

In order to keep Bethel's services fit for the future, investments in property, plant and equipment totalling €101.6 million were made despite the generally challenging conditions, €6.1 million less than in the previous year. "The aforementioned crisis factors necessitated a realignment of all planning for the financial year," explains CFO Dr Rainer Norden. Investments will also have to be scrutinised for refinancing in the future. "We have to take a long-term view," shares Dr Norden.

The largest investment and the largest donation project in Bethel's history – the construction of the new Bethel children's centre – has now been completed. "This special building with its colourful façade, the impressive spherical artwork in the foyer and the lovingly created animal worlds on the walls is a real magnet," says Pastor Pohl, delighted with the great response from people from the region and the whole country.

Bethel's friends and supporters once again played a major role in the positive result. In 2022, Bethel received donations and bequests totalling €66.58 million from all over Germany and beyond for its charitable work. "The people of this country stand by those who are worse off. We are very grateful to all those who do not forget those who are already socially disadvantaged due to disabilities and illnesses," says Pastor Ulrich Pohl.

Download the complete 2022/2023 annual report