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A craft with a long tradition

Almost four hundred years have left their mark on the old Bible: The leather binding is brittle, the binding is loose, pages are torn or have holes. With a steady hand, glue and tissue paper, Burkard Goette mends the damaged areas in Bethel's artisan bookbindery. The 54-year-old has been working in the workshop for people with disabilities in Bielefeld for six years. "You have to be very focussed and patient," he says. "And you also need a bit of manual dexterity."

To ensure that the old Bible lasts for many more years, it is being restored in the craft bookbindery on behalf of a customer. This has a long tradition in Bethel: the workshop has been around for more than 140 years. In addition to traditional binding work, the restoration of books and documents has also been part of the service since 1967. Some customers bring their precious individual items; archives of regional churches or local authorities sometimes send boxes of books for restoration.

"Someone has to look after the old books. Because an old book always tells a story," says Burkard Goette. He is one of 28 employees - mostly with mental health problems - who currently work in the craft bookbindery. Due to depression and burnout, the doctor of chemistry is currently unable to work in the regular labour market. "But I'm happy when I can complete tasks independently," he emphasises. "And when you achieve something you set out to do, it's a great feeling."

To restore an old book, Burkard Goette first removes the pages and numbers them. This is followed by a thorough cleaning: "We clean page by page with a microfibre cloth and carefully remove the dust." The subsequent touch-up requires a sure instinct: holes are closed and heavily worn areas are reinforced. "You should restore as little as possible, but as much as necessary," explains Burkard Goette. The finished sheets of paper are placed on a special trolley to dry. The pages are re-stitched together with a needle and thread. Finally, if possible, they are given back their old, refurbished binding.

Burkard Goette works intently at his desk.
"I still want to do something with my life. And I have the feeling that I'm on the right track."
Burkard Goette

The daily structure in the craft bookbindery is good for Burkard Goette: "I enjoy the work and I'm doing much better now than when I wasn't working." His long-term goal is now to return to the primary labour market. "I still want to do something with my life," says the 54-year-old. "And I have the feeling that I'm on the right track."

Text: Marten Siegmann | Photo: Thomas Richter

This story simply told

Burkard Goette repairs old books and documents in Bethel's artisan bookbindery. Using glue and special paper, he repairs every single page. Some books are several hundred years old, for example old Bibles. Burkhard Goette enjoys the work. He is happy to be able to work independently despite his mental illness.

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About the offer


Haller Weg 47
33617 Bielefeld

+49 521 144 6290

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Offers & Services

Old books, certificates and documents are restored with expertise, care and the appropriate technical aids with the aim of preserving their original condition and character. We also offer customised products such as photo albums, cardboard bindings, leather and parchment volumes, as well as folders, cassettes and caskets.

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