Close to people | Stories from Bethel

Between care bed and service above the clouds

Stefanie Gläsel wants her work to be flexible and, above all, varied. As a member of Bethel.regional's FlowTeam, the Dortmund native can do both. What makes it special: The 45-year-old works in the FlowTeam as a carer in the first half of the month and as a flight attendant for a major German airline in Düsseldorf in the second half. A more than varied everyday life, which is possible thanks to the modern working model that is orientated towards the wishes and preferences of the employees. And which the trained paediatric nurse found in a roundabout way: "I tried out being a flight attendant after my training and then stuck with it."

The uncertain situation in the airline industry during the pandemic and the shortage of skilled workers in the care sector made Stefanie Gläsel want to broaden her professional horizons and diversify her career. A perfectly timed job advert from Bethel.regional finally brought her to the FlowTeam. "It was the perfect match because I was still looking for a part-time job and wanted to get back into the social sector," explains the carer.

Any uncertainty about how the job would work after many years outside of hospitals and care facilities disappeared immediately after the first interview with FlowTeam manager Sven Beckmann: "The application process was very straightforward and the chemistry was right straight away."

Since August 2022, Stefanie Gläsel has been working alternately in two Bethel.regional facilities in Dortmund after a short work shadowing period in several areas. There, she takes over the short morning service or the normal group service on weekdays.

"It was important to me to be able to pick up my children from daycare in the afternoon and to have time off at the weekend. I'm very happy that Bethel allows me to work these hours."
Stefanie Gläsel

The trained paediatric nurse has found her professional happiness working with clients: Helping them get dressed for the activities in the workshop, drawing up medication plans, documenting, preparing lunch and even dancing: "I simply enjoy working with people with disabilities." In total, the FlowTeamer works around 24 hours in the first half of the month, leaving her time to look after her family and hobbies.

Because the rota always comes two weeks in advance, Stefanie Gläsel can plan her daily routine very reliably. Unlike her job as a flight attendant, she doesn't have to work at weekends. "It was important to me to be able to pick up my children from nursery in the afternoon and have time off at the weekend. I'm very happy that Bethel allows me to work these hours," reports the mother of two, who after 1.5 years draws a very positive conclusion about her decision to work flexibly: "The FlowTeam is a great working model with a very understanding boss. My expectations were really exceeded."


Text: Simon Steinberg | Photo: Matthias Cremer

This story simply told

Stefanie Gläsel works flexibly in the Bethel.regional FlowTeam. She is a carer and flight attendant. This gives her varied work and enough time for her family and hobbies. The flexible duty rota allows her to plan her daily routine well. She is very satisfied with her job and praises the FlowTeam and her boss.

Would you like to find out more?



Sven Beckmann
0160 98194864

To the website of the organisation

Offers & services

Family, studies, hobbies, flexible working hours and professional challenges - all of these can be easily combined at FlowTeam:
As educational specialists, carers or care assistants, employees support our teams in their work with children and adults with disabilities, with people with acquired brain damage, in addiction support, social psychiatry or in hospices.

The workplaces are located in Dortmund, Castrop-Rauxel, Oer-Erkenschwick, Hamm or Unna.

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