Peter Hildebrand sitzt auf einem Kettkar.

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The Kettcar is all about the lap

The children on the playground are cheering. Joggers trot around the duck pond and a dog on the meadow eagerly digs an impressive hole. Peter Hildebrand doesn't seem to care. The young man with autism spectrum disorder hurries on. He always wants to keep moving. Preferably together with Bethel employee Roman Knipprath. When the social pedagogue asks the soon-to-be 18-year-old "Shall we go out?", Peter Hildebrand beams, says "Yes, yes, yes!" and pulls Roman Knipprath energetically by the arm. There are many facets to the way Peter Hildebrand, who has lived at Bethel's Haus Regenbogen for almost two years, says "Yes". Spontaneous, determined and loud. Or hesitantly. Although he only speaks a few words, he likes to talk on the phone. He calls his parents or grandparents several times a day. He has a close relationship with them. He usually spends the weekends at his parents' house. He looks forward to that, his smile says. But he has also long since felt really at home at Haus Regenbogen. He loves his beautiful room with its own bathroom. It has to be meticulously tidy. He proudly shows off his key, which he always keeps in his trouser pocket.

The right school is next door

Peter Hildebrand's parents live nearby. That is important to them. As is the chance for their son to receive the best possible encouragement and support. "Peter was only 16 years old when he left home. But many experts advised us to do so," says Ingo Hildebrand. At the time, his son was due to change schools. There was no local school with a vocational orientation programme for young people with disabilities. Bethel offered both. The right school and Haus Regenbogen, where around 24 children, teenagers and young adults with special needs receive individualised support. Thanks to donations, it is a beautiful, barrier-free house close to the special school. Peter Hildebrand can make his way there on foot. "Bethel has become a really good thing," his father is convinced. Peter has a lot more social contacts and is learning to integrate into groups.

But that has its limits. When the others listen to loud music, Peter Hildebrand says a firm "No!" and goes to his room. He does enjoy eating together and spending time in the beautifully landscaped courtyards. But his face really lights up when he can drive a Kettcar. "Yes, yes, yes," he says. Doing lots of laps is his thing, in the corridors or in the courtyard.

Text: Heike Lepkojis | Photo: Thomas Richter

This story simply told

Peter Hildebrand is a young man. He recently moved into Bethel's Haus Regenbogen. He has a form of autism. He receives support and encouragement at Regenbogen. Peter Hildebrand lives together with other young people. Sometimes he likes that. But he also wants some peace and quiet. Then he goes to his room. His favourite thing to do is drive a Kettcar.

Would you like to find out more?


Haus Regenbogen

Quellenhofweg 75
33617 Bielefeld

Lisa Obergefell
Area management

0521 144-2897

To the website of the facility

Offers & services

Haus Regenbogen is aimed at adolescents and young adults aged 6 to 18 with a learning or mental disability, also in combination with additional support needs due to a mental disability, epilepsy or autism, challenging behaviour with intensive curative education needs. The aim is to provide the young people with expert support based on their individual support needs and to help them develop a self-determined and independent outlook on life.

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